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Creating your first own widget

In this tutorial, you’ll generate a new widget from scratch and include it in one of your dashboards.


To complete this tutorial, you should be familiar with React, TypeScript, and have a Telestion Client project that you want to work with.

If you use npm start within your project, you’ll see a window with a login screen:

If you log in using the username admin and an arbitrary password (since you haven’t configured any authentication yet, you can just log in using random credentials), you can see a dashboard with a sample widget (Hello world) and some missing widgets:

What you’ll build

In this tutorial, you won’t build anything fancy, but you’ll learn:

  1. how to bootstrap a new widget using the Telestion Client CLI
  2. how to add your new widget to a dashboard
  3. how to add some simple adjustments to the widget

In the end, you’ll have one less Missing widget message on your dashboard:

Step 1: Bootstrap a new widget using the Telestion Client CLI

Within your project folder, use the tc-cli to automatically bootstrap a new widget for you:

tc-cli generate widget my-first-widget

The result looks something like this:

$ tc-cli generate widget my-first-widget
 SUCCESS  widget-generator  Widget myFirstWidget created successfully.
 INFO     widget-generator  You can find it at src/widgets/my-first-widget.

This command does four things:

  1. the CLI created a folder for your widget in src/widgets/my-first-widget, where the source files of your widgets can live
  2. the CLI created a file src/widgets/my-first-widget/widget.tsx that contains the React component that the dashboard renders for your widget
  3. the CLI created a file src/widgets/my-first-widget/index.ts that exports the component from widget.tsx with some metadata
  4. the CLI modified the file src/widgets/index.ts to include your new widget myFirstWidget in the array of available widgets.

With that, you already have all the files you need and even have a working widget. But when you look at your dashboard again, your widget isn’t visible yet.

Step 2: Add the widget to your dashboard

To add the new widget to your dashboard, you must edit the dashboard configuration. For that, you need a way to reference your newly created widget.

Thankfully, if you take a closer look at the index.ts of your new widget, you can see that it already exports a name ('myFirstWidget'):

import { Widget } from '@wuespace/telestion-client-types';
import { Widget as WidgetRenderer } from './widget';

export const widget: Widget = {
    // highlight-next-line
    name: 'myFirstWidget',
    title: 'my-first-widget',
    version: '0.0.0',
    Widget: WidgetRenderer

You can find the administrator user’s dashboard’s configuration in the src/model/sample-user-config.ts file. Replace the second widget’s widgetName property with your widget name:

import { UserConfig } from '@wuespace/telestion-client-types';

export const userConfig: UserConfig = {
    admin: {
        dashboards: [
                title: 'Overview',
                columns: 4,
                rows: 4,
                widgets: [
                        id: '0',
                        widgetName: 'sampleWidget',
                        width: 4,
                        height: 1
                        id: '1',
                        // highlight-next-line
                        widgetName: 'myFirstWidget',
                        width: 2,
                        height: 2
                    // [...]

When you save the file and return to the client’s window, it automatically reloads the page, and you can see your widget on the left of the second row:

Step 3: Add first customizations to the widget

While it’s cool that you just created your first own widget, that headline myFirstWidget widget looks a bit hideous 😉.

But since the React component within your widget.tsx defines your UI, you can create whatever UI you want.

For demonstration purposes, you’ll adjust the heading to something more readable. Open the file and edit the headline to something you like:

import { Heading } from '@adobe/react-spectrum';

export function Widget() {
    // highlight-next-line
    return <Heading level={2}>Hello from my first widget!</Heading>;

Once again, all you need to do is save the file, wait for a couple of seconds, and return to the client window. Now, you should be able to see your first “own” widget come to life:

Next steps

Congratulations: you’ve already built your first widget. While, of course, it doesn’t look like much, yet, all you now need to do is write a “plain” React component with the help of abstractions for communicating with the backend Application and much more.

Even better: Telestion does all the heavy lifting in the background (authentication, online/offline-handling, dashboard/widget configuration, etc.), meaning you can focus on an isolated context within your widget.

In the following tutorials, you’ll take a look at how you can use the React Spectrum library to build widgets that are consistent with the other parts of the UI, interact with Telestion’s event bus abstractions to interact with the backend, and using a simple way of adding user configuration options to your widget.